Suggested Settings for your Personal Urdu Blog

So, you a own & run blog? Well. Apply the Following settings to your blog easily.
  1. Open Blogger Dashboard. When you open blogger, the screen that appears very first is your blogger Dashboard.
  2. Select your blog if there are many. {Many Peoples run many Blogs at the same time & share the posts between these blogs. This is also a fun.} 
  3. Select "Themes". 
  4. Go to customize. The page appears is called "Theme Designer".
  5. In Theme Designer, Select Advance.
  6. Scroll down to "Add CSS".
  7. In Add Css blank box, copy & paste the following Codes;
.post-body img {width:100%;height:100%;display: block;}
.post-body{font-family:'alvi nastaleeq', arial, tahoma, helvetica, freesans, sans-serif;; font-size: 18pt; text-indent:15px; text-align:justify; line-height: 1.1;}

What does this piece of code do? 

Well, the .post-body img sets your images to 100% width of your post area.
And .date-header sets the date size of your post.
And finally .post-body and its codes set your font styles to Alvi Nastaleeq for Urdu users and so on. That is it.

This is not for this All Nooris Blog. This is only for if you own some other blogs of your own.


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